Don’t Let Acid Reflux & Heartburn Ruin Your Life
Acid reflux (GERD) is the most common digestive condition affecting about 40 percent of the US population. Most people experience occasional heartburn, sometimes referred to as indigestion, usually after late or heavy meals or after drinking alcohol. Other common triggers, include acidic or spicy foods, consuming carbonated drinks or excess caffeine, chocolate and certain medications. Heartburn is the most common and typical symptom of acid reflux. Other symptoms that may be due to acid reflux include sore throat, hoarseness, cough and abdominal or chest pain. When any of these symptoms occur more than two to three times per week, further evaluation and treatment are recommended. Prescription acid reducers are effective and safe when used at the appropriate dose and duration. Lifestyle changes including smoking cessation, dietary modifications and weight management are a crucial component of the treatment and may help keep some patients off regular medication.
Heartburn, nausea and abdominal pain may also be due to other conditions including ulcers or gallstones. More worrisome symptoms, what doctors refer to as “alarm symptoms,” like unexplained weight loss, severe pain, vomiting or bleeding are often due to more serious problems and should be evaluated promptly.
A thorough evaluation by one of our board-certified gastroenterologists will help determine the cause of your symptoms and the appropriate treatment. The procedures and diagnostic tests we may recommend include gastroscopy, an imaging test, or another state of the art technology like BRAVO wireless pH (acid) monitoring, capsule endoscopy, or breath testing.
At Greater Boston Gastroenterology, we are fully committed to help you get your acid reflux or any digestive condition under control. Call our office to set up an appointment.
Don’t let heartburn ruin your life!